

Encyclopaedia Africana Project
"A Pan African Dream Come True"

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Date: 2000 June 03

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EAP Secretariat's Archive
2000 June 03

Encyclopedia Africana Out At Last - Rejoinder

by Mrs. Grace Bansa
Acting Director of the Secretariat
Encyclopaedia Africana Project
Accra, Ghana, West Africa
June 3, 2000

To: Mr. George Sydney Burgri, The Daily Graphic

Cc: Hon. Minister for Education, Hon. Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Deputy Minister for Education, National Council for Tertiary Education, Solicitor General, Ghanaian Media

Dear Sir,

In reference to the above-mentioned article, "Encyclopedia Africana Out At Last," by George Sydney Abugri, which appeared in the Saturday, May 20, 2000 edition of your paper, the Daily Graphic.

The Secretariat of the Encyclopaedia Africana Project wishes to correct the impression created by the article that the Encyclopaedia Africana is now being published.

The Secretariat of the Encyclopaedia Africana Project, which was established in 1962, in Accra, by Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois and Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, to publish the Encyclopaedia Africana: Dictionary of African Biography®™ , has:

  • always functioned under the Ministry of Education - Ghana
  • never been relocated to the USA
  • neither has the Secretariat mandated anybody to publish the Encyclopaedia Africana®™ on its behalf.

From what we could gather from the content of the said article, the author might be referring to Microsoft Encarta Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience, edited by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Henry Louis, Jr. Gates.

This encyclopedia was published by people who have nothing to do with the Encyclopaedia Africana®™ Secretariat, established by Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, of which he was the first Director.  The Secretariat of the Encyclopaedia Africana®™ has no objection to publications on Africa or Africans by other people. 

We, however, object to any person or persons publishing anything and labeling it as the "Encyclopaedia Africana®™".  Encyclopedia Africana is a registered name of the Encyclopaedia Africana Project [EAP].

According to the author of the said article the publication of the encyclopedia he is referring to, represents the realisation of Dr. Du Bois’ Dream. We beg to differ here. The realisation of Dr. Du Bois’ Dream is a legacy bestowed on this Secretariat, in Ghana, West Africa, and on the whole of Africa, for that matter, by Dr. Du Bois himself. We intend holding on to that legacy and seeing it through and we are doing just that! 

The first volume of the Encyclopaedia Africana: Dictionary of African Biography®™ was published as far back as 1977. We have, so far, published three (3) biographical volumes; and we intend publishing the remaining volumes on everything concerning Africa and its people despite the many socio-political and economic problems facing the continent.

Thus, the two major impressions, created by the Daily Graphic news article were both INCORRECT:

  1. That the Encyclopaedia Africana: Dictionary of African Biography®™ is now being published and
  2. That the Microsoft Encarta Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience , edited by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Henry Louis, Jr. Gates., is the realisation of Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois’ Dream of an encyclopaedia of African knowledge about African people, for African people and by African people.

The Secretariat has, in the past few years, circulated considerable material to raise public awareness of its activities. We are, however, still prepared to provide more information on Dr. Du Bois’ Dream of the Encyclopaedia Africana: Dictionary of African Biography®™ and its realisation, to whomever so desires.

We are located at the campus of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, in the Airport Residential area, Accra.

Grace Bansa
Acting Director of the Secretariat
EAP Secretariat's Archive

Post Office Box 2797
Accra, Ghana, West Africa

Telephone: 011-233-21-776939

Mrs. Grace Bansa, Acting Director of the Secretariat
Mrs. Grace Bansa


Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography
Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography

Encyclopaedia Africana Project
2000 June 03
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