

Encyclopaedia Africana Project
"A Pan African Dream Come True"

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Date: 1997 August 14

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EAP Secretariat's Archive
1997 August 14

Statement of Status of the Encyclopaedia Africana Project

by Mrs. Grace Bansa
Acting Director of the Secretariat
Encyclopaedia Africana Project
Accra, Ghana, West Africa
August 14, 1997

At the inception of the EAP, an international Standing Committee consisting of a member each of participating African Countries, was constituted. The Committee's basic function was to periodically set the agenda of the Secretariat and to identify authors.

The international socio-economic support received by the EAP in its initial years mainly stemmed from the involvement, enthusiasm and dynamism of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's first President and Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, who also became the first Director of the Project. 

Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois died in 1963 and barely three years later Dr. Nkrumah's presidency was also terminated. 

By 1967, due mainly to the absence of the two pillars of the EA Project, and other political and economic changes in Africa, the financial base of the Secretariat could not allow the Project to efficiently pursue its set objectives. 

The Standing Committee therefore, directed the Secretariat to concentrate on publishing a 20-volume Encyclopaedia Africana: Dictionary of African Biography®™ . Each volume was to cover a country or a group of countries, depending on the number of biographical articles.

Specific Objectives of the Current Phase of the EAP

  • To strengthen the infrastructural facilities and human resource capacities of the EA Project's Secretariat. 
  • To generate and review researched biographical articles for the completion of the next two volumes of the Dictionary of African Biography. Countries to be covered - Nigeria and Egypt. 
  • To have accumulated articles on Libya, presently in Arabic, translated into English and organised for publication. 
  • To facilitate intellectual interaction and co-operation among literary scholars on African biographies and history. 
  • To initiate the translation of volumes 1, 2 & 3 of the Encyclopaedia Africana®™ into French and Arabic. 

Present Status of the Secretariat 

With virtually no consistent cash-flow for many years, except from the Ghana Government, to maintain the Secretariat, work at the Secretariat has been slowed down considerably. However, with the dynamic leadership of the Chairman of the EAP Editorial Board, Dr. S. O. Biobaku of Nigeria, three volumes of the Encyclopaedia Africana: Dictionary of African Biography®™ have been published heretofore: 

  • Volume I: 
    Ethiopia and Ghana
  • Volume II:
    Sierra Leone & Zaire
  • Volume III:
    South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho & Swaziland

Presently, articles covering biographies from Nigeria and Egypt are being compiled and organised in preparation for reviews and publication. In addition articles from Libya, originally written in Arabic are being organised for translation into English. 


Portrait:  Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois
Dr. William Edward
Burghardt Du Bois

"While there should be included among its writers the best students of Africa in the world.  I want the proposed Encyclopedia to be written mainly from the African point of view by people who know and understand the history and culture of Africans." 

And further, "All Africa should be invited and urged to participate and to share in authority and support."

-- W.E.B. Du Bois, Founding Director of the Secretariat of the Encyclopaedia Africana Project

Appeal for Financial Support

To accomplish our immediate goals, we need your help!  Your help to us could come in the form of office and telecommunications equipment; vehicles of transportation; financial contributions to help pay authors for their articles, etc.

Our moral authority to ask for your help is based on the premise that the authentic history of Africa has barely been documented.

However, it is our opinion that the history of any group of people remains incomplete without that of all other peoples. This is because no group of people have made their history alone. 

We also recognise that the future development of any people is more often than not associated with truth of their past! 

So, please help us to document the "true" history of Africa and you will have helped in the eventual development of the African continent, which is absolutely essential to the correct telling of world history. 

Your help is appreciated in advance. 


Grace Bansa
Acting Director of the Secretariat
EAP Secretariat's Archive

Post Office Box 2797
Accra, Ghana, West Africa

Telephone: 011-233-21-776939

Mrs. Grace Bansa, Acting Director of the Secretariat
Mrs. Grace Bansa


Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography
Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography

Encyclopaedia Africana Project
1997 August 14
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